Wednesday, July 29, 2009

flyin highhh

my lady and I took a trip to the san diego zoo =]....on the gondola

Saturday, July 25, 2009

a lotta niggaz dont understand our shit....but they surrenderin

Duart burnin with the anteater


no I am not dancin with that girl in the purple, I was dancing by myself. But what can I say? This was one of the best nights i've had in a loong time. Kickin it with my lady, partying with my boys, and ending it with a pool party...peep all the humor mugs in the flicks too

stolen flicks. dont know who to give credit to "/

lets talk about me...

My Love...

freak out

Thursday, July 23, 2009


some toy shit that just looks dope in yo mommas living room

trip 2 da tropics

20 min painting. Shout outs to mah JDI family in the Amazon...Jamaraqua...Pai...pnut..lilrodas..and of course anel g couro


dis bytch officially done smoked too much dat clear shard
and Nosy JDI iz gone b my blog wryter

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

coogi bushwoman

Found this native coogi bushwoman in my closet, she was covered in dust, I whiped that shit off and we made love

unknown artist

Sadly, I dont know who this artist is. What I do know is that it took me and my sister years to figure out what the painting was, even though it is pretty obvious now. we were young. purchased by my dad in london circa 1983

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Klotz meets jackson

Nice jacket Funnie

Day light Savings

Kill a muthafucka in broad day light